"Hey you! Over here...it's me. Your closet.
No, no, don't run away. We need to talk about my health and well being. I'm suffocating in here. How can you find anything, much less get dressed? All these hangers, stuff all over the floor, all these clothes you never wear. I think we need some help!"
HELP IS ON THE WAY! Simply Placed's professional organizing and LifeStyled's wardrobe management teams have come together to help give your closet a new voice and you the tools and tips to maintain it. In 2.5 hours you will learn how to clear out clutter, organize, categorize, create your color palette, identify voids and surpluses in your wardrobe, tips, product ideas, and take aways. This promises to be fun, interactive and beneficial for you, your wardrobe and your closet.
Darcey Howard & Associates, Title
LifeStyled, Ltd.

Registration Info
Date: Saturday May 31, 2008
Time and Place: 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at the Mercer Island Community Center - 2040 84th Ave SE Mercer Island, WA 98040
Investment: $75 (includes $50 credit towards LifeStyled or Simply Placed services)
For more information, or to register, please call or email:
Debbie at 206.579.5743 debbie@itssimplyplaced.com
Darcey at 206.579.0189 darcey@getlifestyled.com